Handbook on Family Law Practice in Malaysia:
Commentary, Procedures & Forms
Author by
Dato Chris Chin & Dato Fion Wong
Learn how to file applications in Malaysia Family Court

A complete hands-on guide on family law practice with in-depth analysis on the law for non-Muslims throughout Malaysia with downloadable Court Forms & Procedures that serve as a guide for family legal practitioners.
It discusses and explains the applicability of the governing statutory provisions, mainly the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 and the Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980. The court forms are provided as samples to be adapted and modified accordingly for use in actual family litigation practice.
This book covers the topics that are commonly involved in family disputes, including judicial separation, divorce, nullity, custody of children, ancillary relief, and injunction against molestation.
Contains practical notes and procedures on family law practice in Malaysia, with commentary on statutory provisions, case law, and court forms
Discusses difficult topics often misinterpreted in current family law practice, with critical commentary on conflicting areas, including the procedures which are often overlooked in practice
Provides generally applicable templates of the court forms that are required to be filed in family law litigation
Template court forms are provided in Bahasa Melayu which is the language used for the filing of documents in court in West Malaysia
Explanatory notes on the usage of the templates are available in English
Supported by procedural tables which provide step-by-step guidance on procedures for different applications together with the applicable timelines