All the construction works stated under the Construction Industry Development Board Act 1994 are allow to operate from 4th of May. This will means the construction, extension, installation, repair, maintenance, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration, dismantling, or demolition of—How does the SOP affects the Contractors in Construction sector? I have provided a list of FAQs for your easy understanding.
As at 3rd of May 2020, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Kelatan, Sabah and Sarawak have opted not to implement the conditional MCO. As such, the SOP shall only applies to the remaining states opted to proceed with the conditional MCO.

What type of construction works allowed to operate from 4th of May?
All the construction works stated under the Construction Industry Development Board Act 1994 are allow to operate from 4th of May. This will means the construction, extension, installation, repair, maintenance, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration, dismantling, or demolition of—
(a) any building, erection, edifice, structure, wall, fence or chimney, whether constructed wholly or partly above or below ground level;
(b) any road, harbour works, railway, cableway, canal or aerodrome;
(c) any drainage, irrigation or river control works;
(d) any electrical, mechanical, water, gas, petrochemical or telecommunication works; or
(e) any bridge, viaduct, dam, reservoir, earthworks, pipeline, sewer, aqueduct, culvert, drive, shaft, tunnel or reclamation works,
and includes—
(A) any works which form an important and integral part of or are preparatory to or temporary for the works described in paragraphs (a) to (e), including site clearance, soil investigation and improvement, earth-moving, excavation, laying of foundation, site restoration and landscaping; or
(B) procurement of construction materials, equipment or workers, necessarily required for any work described in paragraphs (a) to (e)
are allows to operate.
What is the operation hours for the construction sector?
The construction sectors is allow to operate for 24 hours. However, the customer presence hour is from 8.00am to 5.30pm.
How many workers are allowed?
The workers are allowed in full capacity. However, the numbers of workers are to be adjust so that the social distancing can be observed.
Are there any special requirements for foreign workers?
Foreign nationals (employees and employers) are required to undergo civid-19 test and certified to be COVID-19 negative before allow to start work.
Workers return from oversea are not allow to work and not allow to enter into the construction site within 14 days from the date of arrival in Malaysia.
What documents need to be prepared?
First, you are required to submit the following documents at CIDB Portal:-
1. Project name and value of the project;
2. Project location;
3. Details of the officer in charge;
4. List of workers
Besides, you shall keep the following documents at the construction site/premise for the inspection of the authority:-
1. Project name and value of the project;
2. Project location;
3. Details of the officer in charge;
4. Project implementation schedule;
5. Numbers and list of contractor's worker; 6. Number and list of subcontractors and the workers; 7. List of suppliers of construction materials and materials used; 8. List of suppliers of heavy machinery, operators' name, license and machinery used; 9. List of consultants and workers involved; 10. Record of the movement of workers and screening of workers' symptoms / health, hygiene and management of construction site/premise;
11. Undertaking to CIDB.
Further, you are required to display responsibilities stated in the SOP at a visible location.
Are there any steps to be taken to make sure the construction site/work place is safe?
Yes. You are required to implement the following at the entrance of the construction site/premise:-
1. Record the details of the workers at the construction site/premise for the reference of the authorities;
2. Check body temperature dan filter the person who has the symptoms of cough, sore throat, and breathing difficulties;
3. Prevent any person who has the symptoms of COIVD-19 from entering the construction site/premise; and
4. Prepare hand sanitizer or hand wash location.
Are there any steps to be observed when carry out the construction work?
Yes. The SOP obligate the employer to carry out the following:-
1. Conduct a risk assessment by incorporating the risk element of infection before commencement of the work;
2. Control of the movement of in and out;
3. Ensure the social distancing (1 metres between the worker) be observed;
4. Ensure the workers do not stay close to each other for a long period;
5. Activities in closed area shall be minimalised;
6. Conduct the meeting in compliance with social distancing;
7. Provide all the workers with face mask;
8. Ensure the workers wash hand frequently with water and soap and wearing face mask all the time;
9. Conduct disinfection in office/premise;
10. Any workers who suspected to have the symptoms of COVID-19 shall be isolate immediately and be brought for COVID-19 test.
What steps need to be taken for movement of workers?
You are required to prepared transportation for the movement of the workers incorporating social distancing and the vehicles used must be disinfected after being used and record for examination purpose.
What about delivery of construction materials?
The movement of construction materials to the construction site shall be recorded. Besides, the driver and the workers deliver the construction materials to the construction site need to conduct a body temperature screening and to be recorded.
Is there any requirements with regards to the accommodation in the construction site?
Yes. The SOP requires the employer to carry out the followings:-
1. Sanitize the common area 3 times per day;
2. Prepare the hand wash facilities and hand sanitizer;
3. Check body temperature dan filter the person who has the symptoms of cough, sore throat, and breathing difficulties before entering the accommodation and to be recorded;
4. Comply with the social distancing of 1 metre;
5. Prepare face mask for all workers;
6. Prevent any visitor from entering the accommodation except for the authorised person dan facilities provider;
7. Prevent group activities (sport/prayers/religion).
What other steps to be taken to make sure the construction site/work place is safe?
Apart from the above, the SOP also provide detail requirements for the employer as follows:-
Employees’ awareness
The employer shall remind the workers on the practice of prevention of COVID-19 by way of broadcasting, poster, and warning to the workers.
Toilet Management
The employer have to make sue the toilet is clean and to carry out scheduled disinfection frequently and to be recorded.
Break time Management
During the break time, the employer has to make sure the canteen/resting place/prayer room is not crowded and the canteen shall only provide packed food and the canteen worker shall wear a face mask and glove when handle the food.
Who is in charge for the management and emergency response?
The employer shall appoint one / more coordinators in charge to ensures the preventive steps taken to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
Besides, the employer will need to create a emergency response protocol to deal with emergency situation.
The employer shall bear the costs and provide alternative accommodation for the purpose of quarantine the close contact worker on construction site/premises. The costs of disinfection at the construction site/premise will be borne by the employer.
As such what record should the representative be keeping?
You should keep record of the followings:-
Related to workers
1. Attendance;
2. Health screening;
3. Movement; and
4. Personal details
Related to cleanliness of the construction site/premise
1. Disinfection areas, canteen and toilet; and
2. Cleaning in other area in the construction site/premise.
Related to construction site/premise
1. Risk management;
2. Movement in and out of the suppliers, services and other dealer;
3. Inspection of the authorities; and
4. Awareness to the employees.
Does this mean renovation can be carried out for my house?
Yes. Owners who would want to continue renovation of their house from 4th of May onwards may apply permission from the nearest police station and give the relevant permit to the contractors, provided that the Management (if nay) of the said residence does not prohibit.